
beginning and end

A little while ago I scribbled a couple of lines on a page in my living room, and the next day someone else had written a final line to it. It's silly and short:

Rain drops from the sky
while you drop your rhymes
like a white guy.

The End.


Testament (continued again)

The astronaut wants to be home, shaking restlessness from his back.
The home wants to be the fire with its thick-walled warmth.
The fire wants to be the fresh air sitting heavy in your lungs.
The air wants to be the strong tower of tangible stone.
The tower wants to be the rain suspended over ground.
The rain wants to be still.
The stillness wants to be your voice raised in singing.
The voice wants to be the canvas holding bright colours.

by: Anna Shogren


The cat wants to be a strong thing - a hand, a tree.
The girl wants to be a pirate, in a tree.
The tree wants to be the pond with its face of shining.
The pond wants to be the sun who dumps its sugar on the grass.
The grass wants to be the foot, its sole, its heel.
The foot wants to be the brain who always gets to choose.
The brain wants to be the feet dumb in their shoes.
The shoe wants to be the buckle that the girl shines with a cloth.
The buckle wants to be the magpie lifting what shines.
The magpie wants to be the egg in the nest touching its brother.
The egg wants to be the feather.
The feather wants to be the mite, devouring its plume.

by: Conne Voisine

Continuing Thoughts on Testament
The mite wants to be the wind, warm in a bird's wing,
the wind wants to be a redhead, flashing her bright smile,
the redhead wants to be a rose, picked just before Valentine's Day,
the rose wants to be the earth and hold trees in her hands,
the earth wants to be the sun, to see far far away,
the sun wants to be the moon, who looks different every night,
the moon wants to be an astronaut who does something for the very first time.

by: jen addis

Anyone else want to respond (in any sort of way) to the Testament poem?


"Delicious autumn! My very soul is wedded to it, and if I were a bird I would fly about the earth seeking the successive autumns."
-George Eliot


what do you think?

How do you feel about this look? I am not sold on it, but we needed some re-styling so I'm working on it. Any ideas? Any opinions? Does anyone have anything to post?

keep those words coming...


ideas, ideas, and ideas

I know this is a writing blog, but something inspired me to write so I'm sharing her art with you: (yes, it is slightly girly, but I'm a girl.)


You can see her artwork at Posies Cafe up in NoPo on Kenton Street while sitting in a lovely wingback chair, maybe even the yellow one.

Also, here are two little writing exercises I did the other day:

#1 Word Association - write the first thing that comes to mind when you see these words.
1. Red little ________
2. Comfort equals ________
3. This pattern makes me feel crazy _________
4. This pattern makes me feel happy ________
5. I could spend the whole day at __________
6. This type of art intimidates me __________
7. I wish I could have coffee with __________
8. The perfect color combination is _________
9. The elements to perfect inspiration are _________
10. If I could live in another decade it would be _________
11. This musical artist inspires me _________
12. I want to wear more ___________
13. I think my curtains are __________
14. The last thing that really caught my eye was __________
15. When I visit the museum _____________
16. I wish I knew more about ___________
17. The best smell in the world is ___________

#2 Write 20 things you like to do. Then write the last time you did them (approximately).

Thank you to Olivia Moore for sharing these on her creativity blog.


When I Knew Him

He died.
Car accident, eulogy, funeral, crying, etc.
The usual.

He changed.
Red tie, red car, red dress for a birthday
Where he hit on me once.

But that was when I knew him.
I like to pretend he was the same
as before.

They assumed "no intoxicants were involved"
Two days before life began.

Now just a red bracelet,
Dedicated to someone I never knew.


under damp dark earth
a small life inhales and dreams
of deep roots and light.


i am inspired.

Today we met some neighbors having a yard sale; they are moving to Pennsylvania to teach, and they were selling their treasures to fund their journey. We made some key purchases, and kept walking. Three of my roommates and I rode our bikes to the park soon after to have a picnic.. not only was it the most beautiful and warm day, but one of Sloane's yard sale purchases included a book of poetry for us to read to each other. ! Mr. Lawrence has been the inspiration for the afternoon of joy that ensued. I want to share it with you.


The dawn was apple-green,
The sky was green wine held up in the sun,
The moon was a golden petal between.

She opened her eyes, and green
They shone, clear like flowers undone
For the first time, now for the first time seen.

-D. H. Lawrence


ever so

Cocoon is spun
that wings may grow
he dormant lies
'til time to go
though it seems a fearsome trap
as thrashing, pushes to break out.
Don't help him, or you'll handicap
his strength for flying here and fro
delicately, ever so.

Winter comes to call for spring
and 8,000 seasons ago
Seed of Heaven died that life
could come from frozen ground below.
Scraped knees and shattered hearts
subtle, tiny hands to mend
and open windows in dingy parts.
Wait patiently for Whom you know
comes delicately, ever so.

[art by olga ziemska]


they like the view.

it’s midnight
you scream of things much darker
collapse into the damp chill of our unmade lawn
drunk hands choke the floral pattern of your vintage dress
bedtime stories for the neighbors
it’s morning
you wear a halo of things much lighter
build in our garden the warmth of progress
muddy hands rest on the slights of your bare body
this view is why we still have neighbors


listening at night

Cheers, self.
You've done a great job of monologuing today.

I've listened to this before, and
I'm tired of hearing you say the the
same words while I sing along
and play your melodies in my head
on my way to sleep.

I can't stay awake and
I like it that way; I expect
dreaming of tomorrow will be better
than remembering yesterday and
I hear you chant your hallelujah in agreement.


dreamy haiku

pink paper necklace
intrigues me but $fifties hurt
here i go to run


I believe in you. Your magic is real.

white paper cut-out stars,
hang in the dark sky for us to take.
one wonders why it should ever be cloudy:
your magic is real, so why aren't you using it.
you can have the world for yourself.
you don't ever have to worry about losing it.
the magic inside of you is infinite.
it's bigger than what we know of ourselves.


A View of the Apparition

On days when the city scape does not look real,
like paint, backwash color, illusion of steel.
When mountain tops shine bright white splinters of light,
I breathe the pollution. My chest becomes tight.
The roaches start scattering away from our sight.
We sit and stare blankly, and dream until night.
Both frightened and threatened by material.
You should press on my eye balls and mash up my skull.
Make me forget things I wanted to be.
Help me remember life based upon need.


Something reminded me

I remember the smell of sea salt
in the heavy humid air that hangs,
fastened to the bottom of puffy clouds full of rain,
and remains alive but still as I breathe it in.


An awkward and (hopefully unintentionally) offensive interaction I, a white twentysomething, had with an elderly white gentleman today, the day celebrating the life of Dr. Martin Luther King Jr.

Me: Hi, what can I get for you?

Elderly White Gentleman: Tall coffee. Black.

Me: That'll be a dollar fifty, unless there's anything else.

EWG: No, that'll do it. Pretty quiet around here, huh?

Me: Yeah, a lot of people have the holiday off.

EWG: I guess just us slaves have to work today.

Me: ...

EWG: Have a good day.

Me: ...Uh, you too.

What's a four letter word for somebody meaningful?

Day after day, I walk up to the yellow box, four shiny coins in my hand. As I drop the quarters in their slot, anticipation trembles through my body.

I grab the morning edition hastily, flipping past murders, political wrongdoing, weather reports, dog and cat stories, cars for sale, and the latest sports scores.

At last, I find what I'm looking for. Scanning the boxes within boxes, and the corresponding clues, answers are already coming to me. I dig in my bag for a writing implement, hoping to find one in my bag.

The puzzle gets filled out quickly. I try to erase the smugness away,thinking it'll get harder as the week progresses. I give a nod to Mr. Shortz and his ilk, for a job well done.

I've acquired a bit of a reputation for my morning obsession, and I don't exactly hate it.

But why am I so compulsive about it? Is it to show off how smart I am, displaying my intellectual hubris like a gold medal around my neck? Yeah, maybe a little bit. There is a far more important reason: you.

That cool spring day in the park, where we sat with pens in hand, staring blankly at the page, trying something new. Prior to that, I'd never really tried one.

So as I sit everyday, working on acrosses and downs, i hold a little piece of you, us. A fragment of something much bigger. A memory of something that once was, and the possibility of what could be. Thank you.


I don't want anyone to think I am more special than I am.

I knew before it became real. I always knew.
It was a peaceful knowing. 
The kind of knowing that takes no effort, just opportunity. 

So I waited. 


dum de dum

We meant to change the world,
but after work we got stuck in traffic
and by the time we got home it was time for dinner
and we forgot all about the world.
Today the elephants next door went to
work, they say an elephant never forgets..
Maybe they do, maybe they don't.
If they were trying to change the world,
then well, they forgot.
But maybe they never thought of it in the first place,
did you?


we like the music.

we are good people.
she can tell.


Time as Mental Concept

Time, seconds tick bars across a cell room.

Time as mental concept that parcels
Each living moment into Lifeless grid
Measured sold, contained and known
Scientifically drawn across a lifespan.

Sunrise corresponds exacting numerical code

Two- Thousand and Ten in the Year of

Our Lord and Savior Jesus Christ,
In the name of all Christendom.
This is how we measure the time it
Takes for the earth to circle the Sun,
Abstract domination of concepts of society's Soul
Correlating to A Scientific tick of Gridlock Hours.

No time may measure Individual Experience.
No Lord may weigh over Your take of Soul.



on the way home from drinking coffee 

a woman laughs into her cellphone. 

it makes me thing of an old man 

taking his last rasping breaths: 

rushed hoping to announce its presence 

and delay some inevitable outcome. 

my feet drag, my blood slows. 

i feel it turning corners in my body, 

waiting for warmth: 

you come bursting in 

through the front door. 

bringing in with you 

the chill and smells that followed you home. 

i wish i could slow it all down, 

if my breath were in direct correlation with time - i would never breathe again. 

there you stand at the front door 

and the air is stuck in my lungs

my mouth is open like a fish 

with a newly set hook. 

the air around me is hard and dense 

like a single pane of glass 

you holding the door, 

me my breath

you don’t get this way 


you don’t stay this way by 


coiled springs lay one 

against the other 

need never happens 

by choice nor overnight, 

but someone’s willingness to leave does. 

the horizon unravels quickly 

when freedom is at stake. 

need won’t stay overnight 

and choices are the mornings 

unwanted guests. 

the horizon is your back. 

the rising sun is my open mouth. 

beside you, the air is still/sharp glass. 

your breath holding back time. 

i release my breath slowly. 

so your mouth is forced to take its time 

inching across my back. 

i feel the last of these minutes, 

i put them like clothes 

and I keep them. 

i wear them out. 

you: the keeper of our small and sacred things: 

in the corner next to the books, 

neatly stacked kisses. 

the heat we created at night, 

stored until needed next winter. 

each sigh, gently cupped in your strong hands. 

even the slightest flinch. 

you’ve collected, kept safe. 

knotted twice. 

left alone. 

the corner of my mouth 

slowly moving. 

you’ve gone idle, 

bones stacked under 

muscles stacked beneath 

you-lying there, 

receding into the 

twisting of the sheets, 

escaping through the 

yellowed floral pattern below. 

now is a good time. 

body still except for the 

the slight rise of your chest 

with each inhale. 


i plant little seeds 

scattered on the contours, 

lost in the soft curls. 

they cannot escape. 

now is a good time - you’ve gone idle. 

now is a good time - i’d never breathe again. 

now is a good time. 

the smallest flinch. 

the sacred things. 

the pane of glass. 

over night we unravel. 

the neat stacks. 

push away/against. 

every breath that wills to move us. 

in idle: the devil has done his work. 

i try on your worn clothes made from our minutes together. 

the sleeves fall long over my little hands-

i do not feel so threatening. 

i will stumble instead of walk

get in bed with optimism-

just lying there-

going to waste in a heap 

under the window. 

collapsable versions of your usual walk. 

all edges - you are a crisp paper cut-out 

strung in front of my face 

arguing my disillusionment, back 

leaving it burrowed permanently 

in the strips of scraped hardwood. 

it’s often you give that look 

like you are surprised to see me here. 

plotted from above, the constellation 

of my journeys always leading to you. 

bare floor isn’t hitting rock bottom, 

its just where we’ve chosen to build our bed. 

soft landing and we still have everything to gain

dry goods and untouched piano keys-

our words sound this way coming out. 

a world of neat rows of refusal. 

we put meaning in it. 

it dries out. 

the seeds 

disappointment left behind 

as a footnote in this history. 

we are possible. 

need watering. 


here's an amusing thought as we begin and continue our writing journey:

Introduction to Poetry

By: Billy Collins

I ask them to take a poem
and hold it up to the light
like a color slide

or press an ear against its hive.

I say drop a mouse into a poem
and watch him probe his way out,

or walk inside the poem's room
and feel the walls for a light switch.

I want them to waterski
across the surface of a poem
waving at the author's name on the shore.

But all they want to do
is tie the poem to a chair with rope
and torture a confession out of it.

They begin beating it with a hose
to find out what it really means.


Intimacy is a drug that no one can afford and everyone’s a junkie. An insatiable desire for connection is always present- a desire for human connection, for mutuality, for something that will numb the empty dark so tangible that it eerily condenses on our skin like a cold sweat. This desire to numb, to quench, to alleviate this longing is the motivation behind so many of our dysfunctions.
Some people grasp at and latch onto others. They squeeze and pin them down so that they cannot leave, an attempt to stay close by force. Perhaps they are trying to prevent anyone from stealing away another chunk of themselves like the one they lost last time when they didn’t hold on tight enough. Some people keep others at a distance- they’ll never get burned if they stay away from the fire. They try to convince themselves of their independence and self-sufficiency. They lie to themselves. There are countless ways people dysfunctionally deal with their need for intimacy and connection. They try to create it, but they are not the Creator. Confused, some implement contradictory mechanisms, grasping at people yet holding them at a distance.
Some people long after closeness so much that they disclose all their secrets at once. Sometimes it’s because they want people to know them but lack faith in natural progression. They try to birth relational bonds prematurely, after which is delivered underdeveloped relationships with little chance of survival. These immediate disclosures are like freeze-dried, microwave attempts at a gourmet meal, sacrificing taste in the name of desperation. Others do the same thing for a different reason. They unload everything right at the beginning because they fear being a victim of a cut-and-run. They figure they should lay out all the dirty laundry in plain sight in fear that it might be too disgusting and odorous for another to stick around. “Just go now. You probably will when you find out, so lets just get it over with.”
Other people keep their secrets hidden. They disguise themselves and become master impersonators, acquiring a different persona, hoping and praying that no one ever figures it out that the mystical, booming voice of the wizard if really just a fumbling man behind the curtain. The secret-keepers have scratch marks on the inside of their rib cages as the ugly, vicious animal inside of them is clawing at them, wildly trying to escape, whereas the secret-tellers are naked and vulnerable, lying on the floor again, guts spilled out and trampled.
What conflicted, desperate creatures we are. We run and hope to be caught; we hide in the dark and pray to be found. We do everything we can to make ourselves forget that we are lonely, that we were lonely, and that we will be lonely. How great is our need for redemption, for rescue, for freedom from the captivities we get ourselves into yet don’t know how to escape. Lead us out, come be our Light, come be our Redeemer, oh Giver of life.


secret promise.

i was making a secret promise
when you asked me
what i was thinking about
i promise i will never fight with you 
now you have it in writing
now it is real.

stepping on a piece of broken glass

explosions disappear into television screens
and your eyes holding my hands
don't comfort me

the moon is full of earth's stories
and silent as a rock
but has no one to walk with

bridges cover the deep
while divers plunge so far down
and you float on top
somewhere in the middle
sitting on a raft of plastic ideas
as you drift on and back again

mistakes sit around in books
on shelves of sawdust
that dream of what they once were

glasses clink and crack
amidst memories and pictures of dreams
and I am one of them