
When I Knew Him

He died.
Car accident, eulogy, funeral, crying, etc.
The usual.

He changed.
Red tie, red car, red dress for a birthday
Where he hit on me once.

But that was when I knew him.
I like to pretend he was the same
as before.

They assumed "no intoxicants were involved"
Two days before life began.

Now just a red bracelet,
Dedicated to someone I never knew.


under damp dark earth
a small life inhales and dreams
of deep roots and light.


i am inspired.

Today we met some neighbors having a yard sale; they are moving to Pennsylvania to teach, and they were selling their treasures to fund their journey. We made some key purchases, and kept walking. Three of my roommates and I rode our bikes to the park soon after to have a picnic.. not only was it the most beautiful and warm day, but one of Sloane's yard sale purchases included a book of poetry for us to read to each other. ! Mr. Lawrence has been the inspiration for the afternoon of joy that ensued. I want to share it with you.


The dawn was apple-green,
The sky was green wine held up in the sun,
The moon was a golden petal between.

She opened her eyes, and green
They shone, clear like flowers undone
For the first time, now for the first time seen.

-D. H. Lawrence


ever so

Cocoon is spun
that wings may grow
he dormant lies
'til time to go
though it seems a fearsome trap
as thrashing, pushes to break out.
Don't help him, or you'll handicap
his strength for flying here and fro
delicately, ever so.

Winter comes to call for spring
and 8,000 seasons ago
Seed of Heaven died that life
could come from frozen ground below.
Scraped knees and shattered hearts
subtle, tiny hands to mend
and open windows in dingy parts.
Wait patiently for Whom you know
comes delicately, ever so.

[art by olga ziemska]


they like the view.

it’s midnight
you scream of things much darker
collapse into the damp chill of our unmade lawn
drunk hands choke the floral pattern of your vintage dress
bedtime stories for the neighbors
it’s morning
you wear a halo of things much lighter
build in our garden the warmth of progress
muddy hands rest on the slights of your bare body
this view is why we still have neighbors